A downloadable game

Resist the afterlife for as long as you can and fight your way through Purgatory in this 2D Bullet Hell Platformer. Fight waves of enemies in a high intensity arena to survive. To grapple with the onslaught of enemies, you are given an unholy gun (sponsored by your friendly demon judge), as well as the special ability to manipulate the speed of time (‘Bullet Time’). Throughout the chaos of each level, wield this ability and your weapon to  defeat the creatures of purgatory. Between each wave of enemies you will be confronted by an Angel and Demon, you're totally impartial judges, both offering you a path to the afterlife. Collect the soul essence  of the creatures you kill during each wave to trade with your judges. Trade to get upgrades to help you survive longer, and increase your chances of winning a better resting place for eternity.

Note: created in one semester at Macquarie University in Games Project A (COMP3150).


Escaping purgatory.zip 57 MB

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